Your team of experienced providers at Hoag Urgent Care are trained to provide a wide variety of medical care to patients of all ages. Many medical situations do not require an emergency room visit, at the same time, you might not be able wait until your primary care doctor can see you. For broken bones, bad colds and other aches and accidents, Hoag Urgent Care is the perfect choice to help you feel better faster.

If you experience crushing chest pain, loss of consciousness, severe bleeding, trouble breathing, or signs of stroke, call 9-1-1.



There are a variety of coughs. The most common types include the following:
Chest Cough: the coughing is your body’s attempt to remove mucus from your chest. Dry Cough: cough that results from the throat being dry due to a lack of mucus. Bronchitis: a cough accompanied  by a yellow-gray phlegm and cold-like symptoms. Post-Viral Cough: a cough that results from throat inflammation after an upper respiratory infection. Whooping Cough: a cough that starts as a mild cold and becomes severe, produces thick phlegm and is very contagious.
You should seek medical care for your cough if you experience any of these symptoms:

  • Chest pain, wheezing, or shortness of breath
  • Coughing up blood or bloody-looking mucus
  • Coughing up yellow or green mucus
  • Running a fever of 101 or more


Sore throat symptoms can include pain or a scratchy feeling, difficulty talking, discomfort swallowing, swollen and sore neck or jaw, swollen and red tonsils, or white patches or pus on your throat.

Adults should see a doctor if a sore throat lasts longer than a week, you have trouble swallowing, breathing, or opening your mouth, you have an earache, rash, joint pain, a fever above 101 F, blood in your saliva or phlegm, or have frequent sore throats.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends seeking medical care for your child if his or her sore throat doesn’t go away after they have a drink. Get immediate medical care if your child has trouble breathing or swallowing or they seem to have unusual drooling.


Most people with the flu have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs. If you get sick with flu symptoms, in most cases, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people except to get medical care.

If, however, you have symptoms of flu and are in a high risk group, or are very sick or worried about your illness, contact your health care provider.


A runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing usually means you have a cold, which is an infection caused by a virus. Additional symptoms include a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and post-nasal drip. (If you have these symptoms, along with muscle aches and a high fever, you may have the flu.) Sometimes colds can cause bacterial infections. Seek medical care if your cold symptoms last longer than 7 to 10 days.


When blood vessels and tissue in and around the nose become swollen or irritated, it causes a feeling of nasal/facial pressure. This pressure is sinus congestion, also referred to as a stuffy nose. Infants and young children with sinus congestion may have difficulty sleeping or eating, which can become serious. If a baby is having trouble eating or breathing or if a baby younger than two months exhibits a fever, see your doctor.

Adults should get medical care if you run a high fever, symptoms persist for more than 10 days, yellow/green mucus with pain and fever, if there is blood in the mucus or if there is mucus discharge following a head injury.


For most people, seasonal allergies are not severe, and over-the-counter medications are sufficient to deal with occasional flare-ups of sneezing, watery or itchy eyes and runny nose.

However, allergies that block your nose with mucus can lead to a sinus infection. If your allergy medication doesn’t give you any type of relief, see your doctor for more treatment.


If you have any amount of vision loss, with or without eye pain, seek medical care immediately. Eye pain can include itching, burning, shooting pain, throbbing or aching. There may be many causes of eye pain, some common causes include pink eye, a sty, dry eyes, or a foreign object in the eye.


An earache is any pain in one or both ears that may be constant or intermittent. If an earache does not improve on its own within a few days, see a doctor. If you also have a high fever, severe throat pain, vomiting, hearing loss, swelling around the ear, or discharge, seek medical care promptly. Consult a medical professional before going on an airplane if you have any ear discomfort.


One of the most common medical complaints is a headache. Headaches can be caused by stress or an underlying medical condition. There are over 150 different kinds of headaches, including tension, migraines, and cluster headaches. The symptoms will vary depending on the kind and cause of the headache. Seek medical care immediately if you have severe head pain and any of the following symptoms:

  • Seizure, weakness, dizziness, loss of balance
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Difficulty with speech, vision, or breathing
  • Confusion or unusual behavior
  • Fever, stiff neck, or rash
  • Head pain that wakes you up from sleep
  • Severe nausea and vomiting
  • Pain related to any head injury
  • You are over 55 and experience a kind of head pain you have never felt before
  • Get head pain from coughing, bending, sexual or physical activity

Speak to your doctor if you have more than 3 headaches per week, experience head pain that gets worse or does not get better, have pain that causes you to take a pain reliever more than 2-3 times per week, or if your head pain interferes with your daily life.


Stomach pain can have a variety of causes. The most common causes of abdominal pain are stomach viruses or flu, indigestion, gas, constipation, or menstrual cramps. Seek medical care if your pain is severe, you have a fever, vomiting does not subside in less than 2 days or is constant, you are not able to have a bowel movement, you have pain when you urinate, cannot urinate, or have to urinate frequently, the stomach pain does not go away on its own, if the pain gets better but then keeps coming back, your stomach hurts when touched, if blood is present in your vomit or bowel movement, if you have difficulty breathing, your stomach is looks or feels swollen, your skin is a yellow color, or if you are pregnant.


If you experience nausea and vomiting, seek medical care if you also have chest pain, severe stomach pain, vision disturbance, mental confusion, high fever, stiff neck, blood in vomit or stool, severe head pain, or your vomiting does not subside within 2 days (or within 24 hours for children between the ages of 2 to 12; for infants, contact your doctor immediately).

Dehydration is a concern when you are vomiting. Try to drink fluids if possible. If you feel very thirsty, have a dry mouth, less than normal or dark-colored urine, weakness, or dizziness, you may be dehydrated. If this occurs, seek medical care.


If you have less than 3 bowel movements in a week, you are constipated. This is quite common and can often be caused by foods you eat. If constipation lasts longer than two weeks, you have hard stools, feel like you have stool remaining after your bowel movement, or if you cannot empty your rectum without help of over the counter medication, then it is time to seek medical care.

If your bowel movements are watery, then you have diarrhea, which most people get about twice per year on average. If you have diarrhea more than 3 times per day for more than 2 days, you have a fever over 101 F, unexplained weight loss, severe pain, or if you have blood in your stools, see a doctor.  Additionally, dehydration is a concern when you have diarrhea. Drink plenty of fluids and see a doctor if you feel very thirsty, have a dry mouth, less than normal or dark-colored urine.


If you are having pain, burning or discomfort when you urinate, you should seek medical care. These symptoms may indicate an infection, such as kidney or bladder, stones, or a sexually transmitted disease.

For many women, these symptoms can be related to a urinary tract infection. Other symptoms of a UTI are an urge to urinate or increased frequency, fever, strong or bad smelling urine, cloudy or bloody urine, and side (flank) pain. Similar symptoms may also indicate a yeast infection.


If you experience vaginal pain or discomfort with sex or when you urinate, consult a medical professional. There are a range of possible causes, from a yeast infection, menopause, and vaginal dryness to STDs, to endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. An urgent care doctor can identify the source of the pain and provide options for relief.

Cramps that are severe or that occur during an unusual time of your menstrual cycle, may have an underlying medical issue. Cramps can be part of your normal menstrual cycle but they can also indicate a yeast infection, UTI, or STD that needs to be treated by a medical professional. If you are pregnant and experiencing cramps, contact your doctor or seek medical care immediately.


If you think you might have a sexually transmitted disease, the medical professionals at Hoag Urgent Care can diagnose and treat you. Women with STDs may have any of the following symptoms: discharge, burning or painful urination, pain during intercourse, itching, blisters, a rash, or no symptoms at all. In men, common symptoms include the following: painful urination or ejaculation, blisters, spots, bumps or lesions, discharge, itching, a rash, or no symptoms. Symptoms may take days or weeks to develop. Additionally, a lack of symptoms is not unusual and cannot be assumed to mean a lack of an STD. If you are sexually active or have multiple partners, use protection and consider being tested regularly.


Fractures and broken bones need immediate medical care. Hoag Urgent Care locations are equipped with x-ray technology and professionals that can diagnose and treat you. If you have been injured and are not sure if you have a fracture or broken bone, the following are signs that you need to seek medical care: intense pain, pain increases with movement, numbness, swelling, blue bruising color, obvious deformity, bone protruding, or heavy bleeding. Waiting to treat the injury is not advised. If you think you have a fracture or broken bone, immobilize the area, apply ice, stop bleeding if there is bleeding, and seek medical care.

If the injured person has lost consciousness, if the injury is in the person’s head, neck, or back, if the bone has broken through the skin, or if the bleeding is heavy, do NOT move the injured person. Call 9-1-1.


Strains and sprains occur when there is damage to the body’s soft tissue: ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Symptoms include the following: pain, swelling, bruising, difficulty moving the injured area, feeling a “pop” at the time of injury, or muscle weakness. Seek medical care to assess the injury and make sure it is not more serious than a sprain or strain. If a sprain or strain is diagnosed, the RICE method is the recommended treatment: Rest the injured area. Ice: Apply ice for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours. Compression: wrap the injury, if numbness starts or pain increases, loosen the bandage. Elevation: raise the injury above chest level, if possible.


Minor cuts and scrapes need to be cleaned and covered for a few days in order to keep the wound clean while it heals. If you are unable to clean a wound or if the cut is deep, seek medical care. Hoag Urgent Care providers can ensure a wound is cleaned properly and provide stitches, when needed. It is important that a laceration gets stitches within 6 hours of an injury. Additionally, depending on the source of the cut and the date of your last tetanus shot, a tetanus shot may be required and can be provided in the urgent care.


Most commonly, muscle pain is caused by an injury, tension, stress, or overuse. A quick trip to your Hoag Urgent Care can determine if your muscle pain is more serious or if it can be treated using the RICE method (Rest the injured area. Ice: Apply ice for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours. Compression: wrap the injury, if numbness starts or pain increases, loosen the bandage. Elevation: raise the injury above chest level, if possible). If you are also having trouble breathing, experiencing dizziness, extreme weakness, a stiff neck, and a high fever seek medical care immediately. If you have any of the following, you will need to medical attention: a tick bite, a rash, calf pain that only occurs with exercise, redness and swelling, if the pain started after taking new medication or increasing dosage of a current medication, or muscle pain that persists.

Back pain is one of the most common reasons for a doctor’s visit because it can make sitting, sleeping, walking or even standing painful. Back pain’s most common causes include muscle or ligament strain, bulging or ruptured disks, arthritis, skeletal issues, or osteoporosis. Whether you had an injury or if you don’t know why your back pain even started, know when to see a doctor: if the pain causes bowel or bladder problems, you have a fever, you have fallen or had any kind of accident, if the pain does not go away after resting, if pain goes down one or both legs, or if you have any unusual weight loss.


Often a splinter or sliver can be removed on your own. Other times you may need help. Seek medical care if you can’t remove the entire splinter, if it is deep, the bleeding is heavy, or if the sliver is lodged under a toenail or fingernail. It is important that the area be cleaned thoroughly. Also, a medical professional may recommend a tetanus booster. If an area where you had a sliver or splinter becomes red or swollen, it may have been infected and you should seek medical care.

Punctures or wounds need to be cleaned and covered for a few days in order to keep the wound clean while it heals. If you are unable to clean a wound or if the puncture is deep, seek medical care. Hoag Urgent Care providers can ensure a wound is cleaned properly and provide stitches, when needed. It is important that a deep wound gets stitches within 6 hours of an injury. Additionally, depending on the source of the wound and the date of your last tetanus shot, a tetanus booster may be required and can be provided in the urgent care.


Insect stings usually cause redness, itching, stinging or minor swelling. While many insect stings are mild, some can be more severe. Your insect sting requires immediate medical care if you are having trouble breathing or have a rapid heartbeat, your lips, eyelids or throat swell, you become dizzy or lose consciousness, you get hives, nausea, cramps or vomiting, if a child is stung by a scorpion, or if you cannot remove the insect’s stinger.

If you are bitten by an animal, you should seek medical care if you experience any of the following:

    • The bite is deep, bleeding severely, or if the skin is torn
    • The bite area swells, becomes red, is painful or there is oozing from the bite puncture
    • The bite was from a wild animal or if you do not have documentation that the domesticated animal that bit you has a current rabies shot
    • You were in contact with a bat, even if you do not believe you have been bitten
    • You have not had a tetanus shot in the last 5 years


An infection is the result of a foreign organism entering your body, whether through skin contact, bodily fluids, or airborne particles, they can range from mild to severe. Infections include bacterial (treated with antibiotics), fungal, viral (may be treated with anti-virals), protozoan, parasitic, and prion disease. Symptoms of an infection vary widely depending on the cause. An urgent care provider can help identify and treat an infection properly.


A rash is irritated and swollen area on your skin that may also be red and itchy. Rashes can have a variety of causes from stress to allergies. There are numerous types of rashes, such as eczema, poison ivy, hives, and athlete’s foot. The most effective treatment will depend on the cause of the rash. Over-the-counter creams may help reduce itching and allow the irritation to heal. If a rash or skin irritation lasts longer than 2-3 days, seek medical help.


Minor burns may be treated at home. However, if you experience any of the following, see a medical professional: if a burn is larger than about 3 inches, if the burn covers a major joint, hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks, if a burn is deep, the skin appears dry or leathery, or if the burn looks charred or has any patches that are white, brown or black in color.

If you have been in the sun and your skin becomes red and painful, you likely have a sunburn. A severe sunburn can be accompanied by blisters, fever, chills, nausea, headache, or weakness. If you have a severe sunburn or if you have signs of dehydration, seek medical care.


You should have a booster tetanus shot every 10 years. If you have a deep or dirty wound, you will need a booster shot if you have not had one in the last 5 years. Hoag Urgent Care has tetanus shots available and can assess your potential need.

Tetanus is a severe disease caused by bacteria that can show symptoms up to 10 days after exposure. Symptoms include: spasms or stiffness in your jaw, stiff neck, trouble swallowing, tight abdominal muscles, painful muscle spams (triggered by noise, touch, or light), fever, sweating, high blood pressure and heart rate.


A sports physical is used to determine a child’s health and fitness to ensure he or she is physically able to safely participate in a specific sport. Hoag Urgent Care is able to provide your child with a sports physical. The sports physical includes a complete physical exam checking everything from vision to joint mobility and heart and lungs to height and weight. The medical provider will also make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date.
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